important points related to basic security hygiene. - INDIA GOOGLE ALL FARMATA


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07 August, 2019

important points related to basic security hygiene.

Dear VILE 

Below are some important points related to basic security hygiene.

·         Always use strong and hard to guess/ complex passwords for your work computers & CSC Digital Seva Portal credential. Password must be 8 characters long and contain at least one numeric, one uppercase letter and one special character.
·         Do lock your computers/systems when not in use. to lock the systems.
·         Do activate genuine anti-virus protection software on your work computers and keep it up-to-date.
·         Computers and devices need to be updated to maintain performance and prevent issues.Patches released by Microsoft and regular Windows updates must be conducted.
·         Be cautious of suspicious emails and links. Always check the sender email ID, email subject and salutation to ensure the authenticity of it.
·         Do destroy information properly when it is no longer needed.

·         Don’t share your work computer’s, DSP or any other passwords credentials with anyone else.
·         Don’t install unauthorized programs or illegal software on your work computer.
·         Don’t use unlicensed products/Operating systems for your work computer.
·         Don’t use software like Team Viewer, Any desk, etc. on your work computer.
·         Don’t leave printouts containing information of customers on your desk. Lock them in the drawers.

Aadhaar Security Guidelines

·         Do obtain consent of the Aadhaar number holders to use their Aadhaar details for the specified purposes.
·         Do inform the Aadhaar number holder the following details:—
o   the purpose for which the information is collected;
o   whether submission of Aadhaar number or proof of Aadhaar for such purpose is mandatory or voluntary, and if mandatory, the legal provision mandating it;
·         All the communication done with the customer should be in local language so that they understand the purpose of it. Also, the Aadhaar consent information must be relayed to the beneficiaries in local language.
·         Bio Metric device should be enabled with RD compliance

·         Do not capture/store/use Aadhaar details of the customers.
·         Do not store biometric information of Aadhaar holders collected for authentication.
·         Do not disclose any Aadhaar related information of the customers to anyone.
·         Do not share e-kyc information of the customers to anyone.

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